I hated history class as a kid!
Whenever possible I avoided watching period pieces like the plague. I couldn't relate. But as I've gotten older my outlook on history has changed, especially as it links to my fascination for time and moments. It gauges growth and change, and I respect it now as a valuable learning tool.
Last night my hubby and I finished watching the mini series 'Sons of Liberty' on the History Channel (about the founding fathers of America) and the thing that struck me was their passion and verve for what they believed in. As I watched the injustice of the British Empire, how cruelly it bled them of their taxes, their rights and their humanity, I felt such a vast helplessness. Standing up to such a power hungry force, so ruthless with never ending armies, I wondered how any human being could rise above that and summon the strength to fight back.
My answer came in one defining moment. A letter arrived, during a scene in which the North American colonies deliberated political independence, informing them of the Battle of Bunker Hill (a brutal slaughter led by military governor, Thomas Gage). And it was Washington's reaction that got me. The look on his face. The way he stood up. His conviction as he declared it was time to take a stand. And his vigor as he strode out of the room, sent shivers right through me. No longer was it just a Boston battle, it was now an indisputable battle of justice... for everyone.
It made me realize that defeat is often just the beginning. It's the jolt we need to see the bigger picture and gives us the fire in our belly to rise to the occasion and fight for what we believe in. Whether it's to protect ourselves against some big evil threat or to simply find inner happiness on a personal level and change the course of our life. Defeat can be the necessary evil that pushes us forward.
I finished the show with a whole new understanding and respect for the Boston pride mentality. And I gained a new found respect for doing things you believe in with passion and verve... no matter how daunting they may seem in the beginning.
Little picture moments. Stories of a Lifetime