Time is not a race.
It's not even a thing.
In fact it's a completely made up, fabricated entity brought into materialization for the soul purpose of differentiating a moment.
It's mans way of making sense of our existence. Our need for structure, for walls, for different compartments, for boxes. Because without structure what are we left with?
This everlasting moment.
The expanse of it infinite, stretching out beyond our capacity to comprehend.
We try to contain it, conquer it, fill it up or not let it swallow us up, consume us. Always racing against it, desperately trying to stay one step ahead of it.
But of what? An entity that we made up?
Time is nothing but an illusion. This compartmental neatness does not exist.
The Earth spins continuously on its axis, it orbits the sun as the moon orbits the Earth, there is no separation. We all reside in this one continuous moment whether or not we like it, understand it, or even care about it.
So feel free to race against "time"... but if I may make a suggestion?
Imagine life as a marathon, the endpoint our death. A hurried pace no longer a viable option. Picture the non-athletes that have joined simply for fun, the ones that linger at the back, stroll with family and friends, chat and laugh with strangers around them. The ones that breathe effortlessly as they soak in their surroundings and fully engage in all that this moment has to offer.
Our life is but one moment.
Remember to feel the air on our faces, the warmth of the sun, the rain, the ground beneath our feet. Notice the birds above, the trees swaying, clouds drifting. Breathe in all that surrounds us, that is us, connects and grounds us.
Let's dispel the myth of time.
There is only this one exquisite moment.
Savor it.
*written March 4th, 2017 at 12:25pm (day 7/solitary retreat)
Little picture moments. Stories of a Lifetime