OMG!! I drive myself insane. My brain doesn't stop jumping from one thing to the next.
Deciding to set up this blog was a great idea and I couldn't be happier BUT deciding how to come across, what to reveal about myself, my idealistic long term goal for how I want this to play out is kicking me left, right, and all over the place.
I'm like a good gust of wind stuck in a constant swirl of indecision.
The thing is, it shouldn't matter how I come across. I can't be anything other than who I am, and shouldn't try to be. I can't predict the future. And I've gotta stop editing my first post! Stop filtering myself and allow this blog to serve it's original purpose. To be my anchor. Ground me to what's important. I've got to let myself be authentic for my own sake. And if someone happens across my words and takes a disliking to me, then that's okay. That's life.
So today I'm making a deal with myself. No more hiding from the truth. My truth. Hard to do but vital if I'm ever to move forward and actually get on with it.
There. I feel so much better.
Little picture moments. Stories of a Lifetime