Game Changer!
Removing the hair-tie...
It was the day before Thanksgiving.
Sitting in a swivel chair, my head down. Snip snip snip… I watch as my hair falls to the floor. A striking picture of an Italian actress with pin straight hair and full bangs sits on the work station beside me.
My mind races… terror and excitement run rampant.
I’m . . .
Posted in: bloggingmy journalself portraits
Reversing a Bad Habit
It has been over a year since I last wrote, and it's driving me nuts that I can't create a habit to write.
Apparently I have no problem not writing on a consistent basis, clearly I have that habit down pat. But how to reverse this?
I guess the question is, what's stopping me?
I want to create a habit to write but in reality, where . . .
Posted in: bloggingmy journal
A Perfectionist's Battle
I spent four hours yesterday rewriting a post I'd written and published on my blog six months ago. Then today I read it, hated it, and switched it back to its original version. Meanwhile I'm still not 100% happy with it...
I am totally perplexed why I would waste so much precious time agonizing over an old post, especially . . .
Posted in: bloggingmy journal
My Nemesis to Progress
OMG!! I drive myself insane. My brain doesn't stop jumping from one thing to the next.
Deciding to set up this blog was a great idea and I couldn't be happier BUT deciding how to come across, what to reveal about myself, my idealistic long term goal for how I want this to play out is kicking me left, right, and all over the . . .
Posted in: bloggingmy journal
Anchored to Me
Blogging for my Sanity
The word 'anchor' has been making random appearances in my brain lately. Tapping at my thoughts as if hoping to be let in. And I can't help but think it's no coincidence. That maybe the universe is giving me a nudge. A well meaning "Hey Ruth, get yourself together!" Telling me that perhaps it's time to anchor . . .
Posted in: bloggingmy journal