Final Straw
Let the climb begin...
My husband and I rarely fight these days but with fists cocked for weeks now, my time had arrived.
In the Walgreen's parking lot no less.
I stared into our bag of purchases, absolutely flabbergasted. Frantically I searched for the receipt, yelling unapolagetically,
. . .Who spends $89 in Walgreens?!
Posted in: my journal
The Inbetween
Today I am practicing,
Living in the in-between takes a lot of patience. But there is no such thing as "happily ever after" without some trial and tribulation. Therefore I'm learning to embrace these moments, capture and live them fully. Because soon they will be gone.
I wonder, as . . .
Posted in: my journalpoetic riffsself portraits
A New Adventure
Down the rabbit hole I go
New chapter, new adventure...
These past few months have been like falling down a bottomless rabbit hole, hoping to one day land and start our new life.
My hubby and I moved from New Jersey to New Orleans to work on a movie. We uprooted our lives, he quit his job, and we left our apartment vacant. Our intention to set up . . .
Posted in: my journal
My Nemesis to Progress
OMG!! I drive myself insane. My brain doesn't stop jumping from one thing to the next.
Deciding to set up this blog was a great idea and I couldn't be happier BUT deciding how to come across, what to reveal about myself, my idealistic long term goal for how I want this to play out is kicking me left, right, and all over the . . .
Posted in: bloggingmy journal
Anchored to Me
Blogging for my Sanity
The word 'anchor' has been making random appearances in my brain lately. Tapping at my thoughts as if hoping to be let in. And I can't help but think it's no coincidence. That maybe the universe is giving me a nudge. A well meaning "Hey Ruth, get yourself together!" Telling me that perhaps it's time to anchor . . .
Posted in: bloggingmy journal